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Summary statistics on BENGI GM12878 benchmarks


We computed summary statistics on the BENGI benchmarks in order to ensure that we find the same as the authors.


The R code we used to compute the results below is detailed here.


$ head GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v4.txt
EH37E0466501  ENSG00000206181.4   1   cv-2
EH37E0466501  ENSG00000267587.1   0   cv-2
# <enhancer_id> <gene_id (hg19)> <interaction?> <cross_val_group>

First we verify that the reported genes ids are not degenerate with respect to reported gene version.

$ awk '!id[$2]++ {print $2}' GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v4.txt |wc -l
28455 -> number of unique gene ids (with gene version)
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"} {split($2,id,"."); if(!complete_id[$2]){nb_versions[id[1]]++}; complete_id[$2]++} END{for(u in nb_versions){print u, nb_versions[u]}}' GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v4.txt |wc -l
28455 -> number of unique gene ids (without gene versions)

=> seems ok, only one version / gene at least in that particular benchmark. Indeed,

awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"} {split($2,id,"."); if(!complete_id[$2]){nb_versions[id[1]]++}; complete_id[$2]++} END{for(u in nb_versions){if(nb_versions[u]>1){print u, nb_versions[u]}}}' GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v4.txt

yields nothing.

Overlap coefficient

Remark: there are more (up to 4 times more) positives with natural ratio than with fixed ratio, as explained p. 13 in the paper ยง Generation of Negative pairs.

"For the fixed ratio datasets, we also excluded genes that were in the positi ve pairs for the cCREs-ELS in other BENGI datasets before randomly selecting the negatives. If a cCRE-ELS exhibited fewer than four negative pairs, then it was excluded from this fixed ratio set."

Excluding positives from the other BENGI datasets before selecting the negatives possibly leads to less than 4 negatives remaining for each positive, meaning some positives must be excluded (later on we shall check this).

Natural ratio

Image: length benchmark natural ratio

Image: number of positives for GM12878 benchmarks in All-Pairs.Natural-Ratio/

Fixed ratio

Image: length benchmark fixed ratio

Image: number of positives for GM12878 benchmarks in All-Pairs.Fixed-Ratio/

Version A: all pairs for 3D chromatin interactions, natural ratio

Image: Heatmap overlap coefficient

Same as (Fig. 2a) in the paper => OK.

Version B: all pairs for 3D chromatin interactions, fixed ratio

Image: Heatmap overlap coefficient

Clearly less overlapping between datasets with fixed ratio.

Distance distribution

Summary statistics on raw BENGI datasets

Image: 0.95-quantiles of distance distribution of the 6 GM12878 benchmarks

0.95-quantiles of distance distribution of the 6 GM12878 benchmarks

Image: Distance distribution of enhancer-gene interactions

Distance distribution of enhancer-gene interactions

In order to have more reliable results and to facilitate further analysis, we reprocessed data to have all useful information in a unique .bedpe file per benchmark. We use a Python script to that purpose, (see dedicated notebook/guidelines, for instance: BENGI_to_custom_bedpe.

Distance distributions using authors

Python2 required.

conda activate py2

Warning: it is not possible to use the script directly without modifying it as the enhancer dictionary is built by default with rDHS accession instead of ccRE accession ([3] instead of [4]). So we first have to replace line 20:


with the following:



python local_Scripts/Generate-Benchmark/ ~/Documents/INSERM/BENGI/Benchmark/Annotations/GENCODEv19-TSSs.bed ~/Documents/INSERM/BENGI/Benchmark/Annotations/hg19-cCREs.bed ~/Documents/INSERM/BENGI/Benchmark/All-Pairs.Natural-Ratio/GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v3.txt ~/Documents/INSERM/BENGI/Benchmark/All-Pairs.Natural-Ratio/GM12878.CHiC-Benchmark.v3.distances.txt

It worked correctly and yielded:

289224.0 # (print np.percentile(distanceArray,95))

CHiC: 289224.0

CTCF-ChIAPET: 373167.75

GEUVADIS: 454695.2

GTEx: 570084.45

HiC: 1322447.9000000001

RNAPII-ChIAPET: 191565.0