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Summary statistics on Nasser et al. 2021 ABC predictions in our 5 biosamples of interest



All data we use are available in /work2/project/regenet/results/multi/abc.model/Nasser2021/ (private).


We use Sarah Djebali's script. See example here.

R packages optparse and reshape2 are required. It suffices to load the following module:

module load system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0


The script requires a lot of memory. By default, with srun --pty bash, we have too little memory for it not to be killed, so better run:

srun --mem=32G --pty bash

Compute summary statistics

The idea is to do the following:

srun --mem=32G --pty bash
module load system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0
/work2/project/regenet/workspace/thoellinger/scripts/ ../Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe.gz $(awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; min=1; max=0;} {if($8>max){max=$8}; if($8<min){min=$8}} END{print min"-"max;}' ../Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe) "500-500"

for each file of interest. That would be quite long, so, we do the following once and for all:

srun --mem=32G --pty bash
module load system/R-4.0.4_gcc-9.3.0
declare -a files=("Nasser2021ABCPredictions.all_biosamples.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.all_biosamples.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_intestine_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_liver_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_liver_and_intestine_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe"

cd /work2/project/regenet/results/multi/abc.model/Nasser2021/sumstats
for file in "${files[@]}"
    gzip -c "../$file" > "../$file.gz"
    dir_name=$(echo "$file" | sed -e 's/Nasser2021ABCPredictions.//g' -e 's/.sorted.bedpe//g')
    mkdir "../sumstats_results/$dir_name"
    /work2/project/regenet/workspace/thoellinger/scripts/ "../$file.gz" $(awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"; min=1; max=0;} {if($8>max){max=$8}; if($8<min){min=$8}} END{print min"-"max;}' "../$file") "500-500"
    mv ./* "../sumstats_results/$dir_name"

For testing purpose, whenever necessary, one can use the following:

declare -a files=("Nasser2021ABCPredictions.all_biosamples.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.all_biosamples.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_intestine_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.intestine.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.merged_liver_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.merged_liver_and_intestine_enhancers.sorted.bedpe" "Nasser2021ABCPredictions.liver_and_intestine.all_putative_enhancers.sorted.bedpe")

for file in "${files[@]}"
  dir=$(echo "$file" | sed -e 's/Nasser2021ABCPredictions.//g' -e 's/.sorted.bedpe//g')
  echo $dir
#   echo "${file//.sorted.bedpe/}"


Distances of Enhancer-TSS pairs

Biosample Name \ Enhancers type Original Enhancers Merged enhancers (across considered biosamples) Merged enhancers (across all 131 biosamples)
All 131 biosamples Same as column 3
Liver and Intestine )
hepatocyte-ENCODE No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
HepG2-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
liver-ENCODE No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
large_intestine_fetal-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
small_intestine_fetal-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.

Distribution of nb of connections of enhancers (red) / of TSS (green)

Number of connections of element 1 (enhancers) / of element 2 (TSS) => TSS usually makes more connections to enhancers, than enhancers make connections to TSS (the four screens distinguish between the ABC.score -quartiles).

Biosample Name \ Enhancers type Original Enhancers Merged enhancers (across considered biosamples) Merged enhancers (across all 131 biosamples)
All 131 biosamples Same as column 3
Liver and Intestine )
hepatocyte-ENCODE No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
HepG2-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
liver-ENCODE No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
large_intestine_fetal-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.
small_intestine_fetal-Roadmap No overlap between enhancers of a single biosample. Same as column 1.

Summary statistics on enhancer lengths

Enhancers 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max
All 131 biosamples 200 308 482 637 6991
All 131 biosamples (merged) 288 631 808 1078 11616
Liver + intestine 200 353 491 644 4626
Liver + intestine (merged) 200 423 575 756 6298
Liver + intestine (merged 131) 520 982 1231 1668 11616
Liver 200 296 455 585 4626
Liver (merged) 200 348 507 650 4737
Liver (merged 131) 528 1027 1292 1780 11616
Intestine 200 428 543 724 3679
Intestine (merged) 221 488 607 814 4461
Intestine (merged 131) 710 1209 1469 1978 11073