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NOTEBOOK: Convert BENGI txt to custom bedpe containing enhancer and gene loci + TSS lists

Jill E. Moore, Henry E. Pratt, Michael J. Purcaro et Zhiping Weng

In this notebook we reprocess BENGI datasets into .bedpe containing comprehensive yet synthetic information for further statistical analysis with R.

How to use this notebook?

First, make a copy of this notebook on your computer / cluster. The notebook can be found at scripts/notebooks/ipynb/.

To use Jupyter Notebook through ssh tunneling, one can refer to the following tutorial: guidebooks/notebooks_ssh

Then, to use this notebook, one should only have to carefully modify the content of the "Set working directory" section, then to execute the notebook cell by cell, in the correct order. After execution of each cell, remember to check for errors before executing the next one.


In this notebook we reprocess BENGI datasets into .bedpe containing comprehensive yet synthetic information for further statistical analysis with R.

Note: Moore et al. used only 54,846 genes (or at least, provided TSS annotation for 54,846 genes), out of our 57,820 genes (coding + non-coding - of which 20,345 are protein-coding) in our whole GENCODE annotation. Yet we did not find any straightforward way to retrieve what filter they applied to evict 2,974 genes. Moreover, even restricting to these 54,846 genes, we find 175,554 TSS in our Gencode annotation (out of a total of 178,758 TSS), whereas the TSS list provided by Moore et al contains only 167,147 TSS. Again, we did not manage to find where this difference comes from.

In this notebook, we use the TSS list provided by Moore et al, not our own.


BENGI: Benchmark of Enhancer Gene Interactions.

One need to download BENGI datasets from Weng lab, then to unzip all zipped files in BENGI/Benchmark/Annotations/.

gzip -cd GENCODEv19-TSSs.bed.gz > GENCODEv19-TSSs.bed
gzip -cd hg19-cCREs.bed.gz > hg19-cCREs.bed

Data importation

Set working directory

# Inserm:
#root_dir = "/home/thoellinger/Documents/"
# Personal:
#root_dir = "/home/hoellinger/Documents/INSERM/"
#annotation_dir = 
# Genotoul:
annotation_dir = "/work2/project/fragencode/data/species.bk/homo_sapiens/hg19.gencv19/"
work_dir = "/work2/project/regenet/results/multi/bengi/"

# When not on Genotoul:
#work_dir = root_dir+"BENGI/Benchmark/"
#annotation_dir = root_dir+"data/homo_sapiens/hg19.gencv19/"

path_to_TSSs_annotation = work_dir+"Annotations/GENCODEv19-TSSs.bed" # provided by Moore et al
path_to_ccREs_annotation = work_dir+"Annotations/hg19-cCREs.bed" # provided by Moore et al
path_to_genes_annotation = annotation_dir+"homo_sapiens.gtf" # full hg19 gencv19 annotation. Shall be processed.
path_to_benchmarks = work_dir+"All-Pairs.Natural-Ratio/"

nb_benchmarks = 6
file_names = list()
# benchmark files names without extensions

# short custom names for benchmarks, same order as above
names = ["CHiC", "CTCF", "GEUVADIS", "GTEx", "HiC", "RNAPII"]

# Should have nothing to change below this line
# --------------------------------------------- 
col_names = ["ccRE", "gene", "interaction", "CV"] # column names in benchmarks
names_TSSs = ["chr", "start", "end", "transcript_id", "score", "strand", "gene_id"] # column names for TSSs annotation. "score" column is not used
names_ccREs = ["chr", "start", "end", "rDHS", "ccRE", "group"] # column names for ccREs. neither "rDHS" nor "group" are used.

files_list = list()
for k in range(nb_benchmarks):

Import standard libraries

import pandas as pd

Import files

benchmarks = list()
for k in range(nb_benchmarks):
    benchmarks.append(pd.read_csv(files_list[k], sep='\t', header=None, names=col_names, dtype='str', engine='c'))
TSSs = pd.read_csv(path_to_TSSs_annotation, sep='\t', header=None, names=names_TSSs, dtype='str', engine='c')
ccREs = pd.read_csv(path_to_ccREs_annotation, sep='\t', header=None, names=names_ccREs, dtype='str', engine='c')
unprocessed_genes = pd.read_csv(path_to_genes_annotation, sep='\t', header=None, dtype='str', engine='c', skiprows=5)

unprocessed_genes = unprocessed_genes[unprocessed_genes.iloc[:,2]=="gene"]
unprocessed_genes.iloc[:,3] = (unprocessed_genes.iloc[:,3].astype(int) - 1).astype(str)
TSSs.iloc[:,[1, 2]] = (TSSs.iloc[:,[1, 2]].astype(int) - 1).astype(str)

Data reprocessing

genes annotation

# The following filter keeps all gene types found in `hg19.gencv19/homo_sapiens.gtf`
# One can easily remove any unwanted gene type
list_of_gene_types = ["protein_coding", "pseudogene", "lincRNA", "antisense", "processed_transcript", "miRNA", "misc_RNA", "snRNA", "snoRNA", "polymorphic_pseudogene", "sense_intronic", "rRNA", "sense_overlapping", "IG_V_gene", "TR_V_gene", "IG_V_pseudogene", "TR_J_gene", "IG_C_gene", "IG_D_gene", "3prime_overlapping_ncrna", "TR_V_pseudogene", "IG_J_gene", "Mt_tRNA", "TR_C_gene", "IG_C_pseudogene", "TR_J_pseudogene", "TR_J_pseudogene", "TR_D_gene", "IG_J_pseudogene", "Mt_rRNA"]
filter_valid_genes = unprocessed_genes[8].str.split('; ').str[2].str.split(' \"').str[1].str.rstrip('\"').isin(list_of_gene_types)
unprocessed_genes = unprocessed_genes[filter_valid_genes]
col_genes = ["chr","start", "end", "gene_id", "strand"]
last_cols_unprocessed_genes = unprocessed_genes[8].str.split('; ').str[0].str.split(' \"')

genes = pd.concat([unprocessed_genes.iloc[:, [0,3,4]], last_cols_unprocessed_genes.str[1].str.rstrip('\"').to_frame(), unprocessed_genes.iloc[:,6]], axis=1)
genes.columns = col_genes
chr start end gene_id strand
0 chr1 11868 14412 ENSG00000223972.4 +
# make sure there are no scaffolds
# make sure gene ids are not degenerate
#genes.iloc[test] # find degenerate ones

TSSs annotation -> 1 list / gene id

names_compacted_TSSs = [names_TSSs[6], "TSSs"]
TSSs_lists = TSSs.iloc[:,[1, 6]]
TSSs_lists = TSSs_lists.groupby(TSSs_lists.columns[1])[TSSs_lists.columns[0]].apply(lambda x: ','.join(x)).to_frame().reset_index()
TSSs_lists.columns = names_compacted_TSSs
gene_id TSSs
0 ENSG00000000003.10 99891685,99891802,99894987

Gather all useful information in 1 dataframe per file

names_bedpe=['chrom1', 'start1', 'end1', 'chrom2', 'start2', 'end2', 'name', 'interaction', 'strand1', 'strand2', 'TSSs']
# chrom1, start1 and end1 are relative to genes ; chrom2, start2, end2 to candidate regulatory elements

new_names = {col_genes[0]: names_bedpe[0], col_genes[1]: names_bedpe[1], col_genes[2]: names_bedpe[2], col_genes[3]: names_bedpe[6], col_genes[4]: names_bedpe[8]}
bedpe = [None]*nb_benchmarks    
for k in range(nb_benchmarks):
    bedpe[k] = genes.copy().merge(benchmarks[k].drop(col_names[3], axis=1), how='inner', left_on=col_genes[3], right_on=col_names[1]).merge(TSSs_lists, how='inner', left_on=col_genes[3], right_on=names_TSSs[-1]).merge(ccREs.iloc[:,[0,1,2,4]].rename(columns={names_ccREs[0]: names_bedpe[3], names_ccREs[1]: names_bedpe[4], names_ccREs[2]: names_bedpe[5]}), how='left', left_on=col_names[0], right_on=names_ccREs[4])
    bedpe[k].iloc[:,3] += ':'+bedpe[k].iloc[:,5].map(str)
    bedpe[k].drop([col_names[0], col_names[1]], axis=1, inplace=True)
    bedpe[k][col_names[2]] = bedpe[k][col_names[2]].str.rstrip(' ')
    bedpe[k].insert(5, names_bedpe[9], bedpe[k].iloc[:,4])
    bedpe[k].rename(columns=new_names, inplace=True)
    cols = bedpe[k].columns.tolist()
    new_cols = cols[:3] + cols[-3:] + [cols[3], cols[6]] + cols[4:6] + [cols[7]]
    bedpe[k] = bedpe[k][new_cols]
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 name interaction strand1 strand2 TSSs
0 chr1 536815 659930 chr1 927848 928157 ENSG00000230021.3:EH37E0064164 0 - - 655529,655573,655579,655579,659929
1 chr1 621058 622053 chr1 927848 928157 ENSG00000185097.2:EH37E0064164 0 - - 622052
2 chr1 657471 660283 chr1 927848 928157 ENSG00000229376.3:EH37E0064164 0 + + 657471
3 chr1 677192 685396 chr1 927848 928157 ENSG00000235373.1:EH37E0064164 0 - - 685395
4 chr1 677192 685396 chr1 974131 974485 ENSG00000235373.1:EH37E0064194 0 - - 685395
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
375723 chrX 154687177 154687276 chrX 154459477 154459854 ENSG00000221603.1:EH37E1053818 0 + + 154687177
375724 chrX 154689079 154689596 chrX 154459477 154459854 ENSG00000185978.4:EH37E1053818 0 - - 154689595
375725 chrX 154695630 154841277 chrX 154459477 154459854 ENSG00000224533.3:EH37E1053818 0 + + 154695630,154696200,154718983
375726 chrX 154697946 154716707 chrX 154459477 154459854 ENSG00000225393.1:EH37E1053818 0 + + 154697946
375727 chrX 154719775 154899605 chrX 154459477 154459854 ENSG00000185973.6:EH37E1053818 0 - - 154722149,154774937,154842537,154842555,154842...

375728 rows × 11 columns

Export new dataframes to bedpe

#for k in range(nb_benchmarks):
#    bedpe[k].to_csv(path_to_benchmarks+file_names[k]+".new.bedpe",sep='\t',header=False,index=False)
#    with open(path_to_benchmarks+file_names[k]+'', 'w') as f:
#        f.write("%s\n" % ', '.join(list(bedpe[k].columns)))