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Guidelines to run the Moore et al 's Average rank method over Fulco et al CRISPRi-FlowFISH validation dataset for K562


Step 1: run Distance method

See dedicated guide.

Step 2: run DNase-expression correlation method

See dedicated guide.

Partial reimplementation of

We adapted of local_Scripts/Unsupervised-Methods/ in local_Scripts/Unsupervised-Methods/ to use the CRISPRi-FlowFISH validation dataset.


# Inserm computer
# Personal computer
# Genotoul


mkdir -p $output_dir

# if the local decimal separator in bash is "," (personal computer, genotoul, ...)
paste $distance $correlation |awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $6}' |tr . , | \
    sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 \
    "\t" r; x=$2}' | sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' | sort -k6,6g | \
    awk '{print $1 "\t" 1/$6 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6}' |tr , . > $output_dir/K562.CRISPRi-FlowFISH-Average-Rank.txt

# if the local decimal separator in bash is ".":
#paste $distance $correlation | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $6}' | \
#    sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 \
#    "\t" r; x=$2}' | sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
#    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' | sort -k6,6g | \
#    awk '{print $1 "\t" 1/$6 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6}' > $output_dir/K562.CRISPRi-FlowFISH-Average-Rank.txt

Note that we replaced

sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$2}' 

which seems to be an error, with

sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' 

The reason is that the code does as follows:

  • first, distance and correlation results (which are assumed sorted the very same way - which is the case if they were computed using the dedicated guides) are merged
  • then, the rank of inverse distances are computed (the smaller the distance, the smaller the rank) with sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 "\t" r; x=$2}'. So the condition on x=$2 ($2 being the inverse distance) ensures the rank remains the same when consecutive inverse distances are constant.
  • then, the rank of the DNase-expression correlation method, plus the average distance-correlation rank, are computed (the greater the correlation, the smaller the rank) with sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}'. So a condition on $2 (value of the inverse distance) instead of $3 (the correlation) would not make sense.

One should also note that we added tr . , at the beginning of the code and tr , . at the end. This is needed on every computer where bash default decimal separator is "," instead of ".".

At the end of the day, the fields are as follow:

  • interaction (ground truth)
  • final score = 1 / (average rank), such that the smaller the rank, the greater the score (=> high score = interaction suspected)
  • inverse distance
  • DNase-expression correlation
  • inverse distance rank (the smaller the distance, the smaller the rank)
  • DNase-expression correlation rank (the greater the correlation, the smaller the rank)
  • average rank (= 1 over final score)

Running the code for BENGI benchmarks over GM12878

If working on Genotoul:

conda activate base && conda activate abcmodel && conda activate py2 && module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.27.1
srun --pty bash



Analysis with R


.badCode {
background-color: #C9DDE4;
## Global options
library(ggpubr) # for ggarrange
library(dplyr) # for bind_rows

# Tools for precision-recall : (see
rm(list = ls())

# Personal
work_dir = "~/Documents/INSERM/"
# Inserm
#work_dir = "~/Documents/"

## Distance method ##

path_to_results = paste(work_dir, "BENGI/Correlation-Methods/Average-Rank/", sep='')
file_names = c("K562.CRISPRi-FlowFISH-Average-Rank.txt")
short_names = c('CRiFF')

nb_files = length(file_names)

colnames <- c('interaction', 'score', 'inverse.distance', 'correlation', 'inverse.distance.rank', 'correlation.rank', 'average.rank')
results <- sapply(file_names, simplify=FALSE, function(file_name){
  Df <- read.table(paste(path_to_results, as.character(file_name), sep=''), sep='\t')
  Df[[1]] <- factor(Df[[1]], levels=c(0,1), labels=c("no interaction", "interaction"))
  names(Df) <- colnames
names(results) <- short_names

All_results <- bind_rows(results, .id = 'method')
ggplot(aes(y = average.rank, x = method, fill = interaction), data = All_results) + geom_boxplot()
sscurves_avg_rank <- list()
sscurves_avg_rank <- sapply(results, simplify=FALSE, function(Df){
  evalmod(scores = Df$score, labels = Df$interaction) # comes with "precrec" library
p1 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[1]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[1], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[1]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))

# ggarrange comes with library('ggpubr')
figure <- ggarrange(p1,
                    ncol = 1, nrow = 1)


Image: Precision-Recall curves and AUPR

Precision-Recall curves and AUPR of Moore et al's Average-rank method over Fulco et al validation dataset intersected with ccRE (103 positives and 3569 negatives).