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Genotoul cluster

Detailed information about Genotoul can be found on the Genotoul website.

Basic usage

Connect through SSH to the Genotoul server:


Get account infos: saccount_info thoellinger
List all available modules: module av
Load one of them: module load <name>

Some typical modules:

module load bioinfo/samtools-1.9
module load system/Anaconda3-5.2.0

Install or update a Python package for user only (does not require sudo privilege):

pip install --user <package>

To update a package for user only: pip install --user --upgrade <package>

Remember to connect to a computation node before launching any resources-demanding program:

srun --pty bash

1 cpu core and 8 gb of ram by default with srun (2021). One may increase limits using, for instance:

srun --mem=64G --pty bash

Submitting a script using sbatch

For more resources-demanding tasks or complex pipelines, it is better to write a dedicated script and to submit it to the queue using sbatch. Example:

echo "script content" | awk 'BEGIN{print "\#\!\/bin\/sh"} {print}' >

then launch the script on slurm:

sbatch --mem=4G --cpus-per-task=1 -J <job name> --mail-type=END,FAIL --workdir=$PWD --export=ALL -p workq

One can visualize what is in the queue with: squeue -A thoellinger

More sophisticated examples can be found on the notebooks over here, or on Genotoul's wiki.

Resources available detailed here.