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Guidelines to run the Average rank method over BENGI for GM12878


Step 1: run Distance method

See dedicated guide.

Step 2: run DNase-expression correlation method

See dedicated guide.

Partial reimplementation of

We replaced the content of local_Scripts/Unsupervised-Methods/ with the following:



# Inserm computer
# Personal computer
# Genotoul


mkdir -p $output_dir

# for old format of distance method resulting files (with 2 columns),
# with "." as local decimal separator in bash, use:
#paste $distance $correlation | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $4}' | \
#    sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 \
#    "\t" r; x=$2}' | sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
#    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' | sort -k6,6g | \
#    awk '{print $1 "\t" 1/$6 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6}' > $output_dir/$data-Average-Rank.$version.txt

# for new format of distance method resulting files (with 4 columns), use:

# if the local decimal separator in bash is "," (personal computer, genotoul, ...)
paste $distance $correlation |awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $6}' |tr . , | \
    sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 \
    "\t" r; x=$2}' | sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' | sort -k6,6g | \
    awk '{print $1 "\t" 1/$6 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6}' |tr , . > $output_dir/$data-Average-Rank.$version.txt

# if the local decimal separator in bash is ".":
#paste $distance $correlation | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $6}' | \
#    sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 \
#    "\t" r; x=$2}' | sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
#    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' | sort -k6,6g | \
#    awk '{print $1 "\t" 1/$6 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6}' > $output_dir/$data-Average-Rank.$version.txt

Note that we replaced

sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$2}' 

which seems to be an error, with

sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) \
    r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}' 

The reason is that the code does as follows:

  • first, distance and correlation results (which are assumed sorted the very same way - which is the case if they were computed using the dedicated guides mentioned in the prerequisites) are merged
  • then, the ranks of inverse distances are computed (the smaller the distance, the smaller the rank) with sort -k2,2gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $2) r +=1; print $0 "\t" r; x=$2}'. So the condition on x=$2 ($2 being the inverse distance) ensures the rank remains the same when consecutive inverse distances are constant.
  • then, the rank of the DNase-expression correlation method, plus the average distance-correlation rank, are computed (the greater the correlation, the smaller the rank) with sort -k3,3gr | awk 'BEGIN{x=0;r=0}{if (x != $3) r +=1; print $0 "\t" r "\t" ($NF+r)/2; x=$3}'. So a condition on $2 (value of the inverse distance) instead of $3 (the correlation) would not make sense.

In the analysis, we will see that using $2 as Moore et al, leads to the very same results (AUPR of predictions over the 6 BENGI for GM12878) as in their paper ; and using $3, which we think is the correct way to do ; gives similar but slightly better results!

One should also note that we added tr . , at the beginning of the code and tr , . at the end. This is needed on every computer where bash default decimal separator is "," instead of ".".

At the end of the day, the fields are as follows:

  • interaction (ground truth)
  • final score = 1 / (average rank), such that the smaller the rank, the greater the score (=> high score = interaction suspected)
  • inverse distance
  • DNase-expression correlation
  • inverse distance rank (the smaller the distance, the smaller the rank)
  • DNase-expression correlation rank (the greater the correlation, the smaller the rank)
  • average rank (= 1 over final score)

Running the code for BENGI benchmarks over GM12878

If working on Genotoul:

conda activate base && conda activate abcmodel && conda activate py2 && module load bioinfo/bedtools-2.27.1
srun --pty bash


./local_Scripts/Unsupervised-Methods/ GM12878.CHiC v3
./local_Scripts/Unsupervised-Methods/ GM12878.CTCF-ChIAPET v3


Analysis with R


.badCode {
background-color: #C9DDE4;
## Global options
library(ggpubr) # for ggarrange
library(dplyr) # for bind_rows

# Tools for precision-recall : (see
rm(list = ls())

# Personal
work_dir = "~/Documents/INSERM/"
# Inserm
#work_dir = "~/Documents/"

path_to_results = paste(work_dir, "BENGI/Correlation-Methods/Average-Rank/", sep='')
file_names = c("GM12878.CHiC-Average-Rank.v3.txt", "GM12878.CTCF-ChIAPET-Average-Rank.v3.txt", "GM12878.GEUVADIS-Average-Rank.v3.txt", "GM12878.GTEx-Average-Rank.v3.txt", "GM12878.HiC-Average-Rank.v3.txt", "GM12878.RNAPII-ChIAPET-Average-Rank.v3.txt")
short_names = c('CHiC', 'CTCF', 'GEUVAVDIS', 'GTEx', 'HiC', 'RNAPII')

nb_files = length(file_names)

colnames <- c('interaction', 'score', 'inverse.distance', 'correlation', 'inverse.distance.rank', 'correlation.rank', 'average.rank')
results <- sapply(file_names, simplify=FALSE, function(file_name){
  Df <- read.table(paste(path_to_results, as.character(file_name), sep=''), sep='\t')
  Df[[1]] <- factor(Df[[1]], levels=c(0,1), labels=c("no interaction", "interaction"))
  names(Df) <- colnames
names(results) <- short_names

All_results <- bind_rows(results, .id = 'method') # requires library(dplyr)
ggplot(aes(y = average.rank, x = method, fill = interaction), data = All_results) + geom_boxplot()
sscurves_avg_rank <- list()s
sscurves_avg_rank <- sapply(results, simplify=FALSE, function(Df){
  evalmod(scores = Df$score, labels = Df$interaction) # comes with "precrec" library
p1 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[1]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[1], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[1]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))
p2 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[2]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[2], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[2]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))
p3 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[3]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[3], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[3]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " A="))
p4 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[4]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[4], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[4]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))
p5 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[5]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[5], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[5]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))
p6 <- autoplot(sscurves_avg_rank[[6]], curvetype = c("PRC")) + ggtitle(paste(short_names[6], signif(attr(sscurves_avg_rank[[6]], 'auc')[[4]][2], digits=2), sep = " AUPR="))

# ggarrange comes with library('ggpubr')
figure <- ggarrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6,
                    ncol = 3, nrow = 2)

Alternatively we can plots all Precision - Recall curves on the same graph.

all_sscurves_avg_rank <- sapply(sscurves_avg_rank, simplify = FALSE, function(obj){
  Df <- data.frame(obj$prcs[[1]]$x, obj$prcs[[1]]$y)
  names(Df) <- c('x', 'y')
all_sscurves_avg_rank <- bind_rows(all_sscurves_avg_rank, .id = 'method')

total_nrow = nrow(all_sscurves_avg_rank)
max_nb_points_to_plot = 20000
  samples_points = sample(1:total_nrow, min(max_nb_points_to_plot, total_nrow), replace=TRUE)
} else{
  samples_points = 1:total_nrow

ggplot(aes(y = y, x = x, color = method), data = all_sscurves_avg_rank[samples_points,]) + geom_line() + ylim(0,1) + xlab('Recall') + ylab('Precision') + ggtitle("Precision-Recall curves for DNase-expression correlation\n method over the 6 GM12878 BENGI")


One can also directly have a look at the summarized results here

Not correcting the error in gives same results as in the paper

If we keep the small mistake found in, we find (hopefully!) the very same Precision - Recall curves as authors:

Image: Precision-Recall curves and AUPR with small mistake in

Correct results

If we correct the small error found in, we obtain the following results.

Image: Precision-Recall curves and AUPR

Image: Precision-Recall curves