Source code for selfisys.utils.workers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2024 Tristan Hoellinger
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3).
# See the LICENSE file in the root directory for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

__author__ = "Tristan Hoellinger"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__date__ = "2024"
__license__ = "GPLv3"

Routines for parameter inference and gradient evaluation in the SelfiSys

import gc
from typing import Any, Tuple, List

from selfisys.utils.logger import getCustomLogger

logger = getCustomLogger(__name__)

[docs] def Simbelmyne_worker(args) -> Tuple[float, Any]: """ Worker function used for implicit likelihood inference of cosmological parameters. Parameters ---------- args : tuple A tuple of arguments to be unpacked for the worker routine: (index, param_val, param_id, fsimdir, k_s, Pbins_bnd, selection_params, norm_csts, P_ss_obj_path, obs_density, lin_bias, noise, survey_mask_path, G_sim_path, G_ss_path, Np0, Npm0, seedphase_init, seednoise_init, size, L, radial_selection, sim_params, wd, batch_idx, dbg, modeldir, local_mask_prefix, TimeStepDistribution, indices_steps_cumul, eff_redshifts, poolname_abc, setup_only, prefix_mocks). Returns ------- tuple (param_val, Phi) where param_val is the parameter value used, and Phi is the resulting summary from evaluating the model. Raises ------ OSError If file I/O (reading or writing mock data) fails. RuntimeError For unexpected errors in the worker routine. """ import os from pathlib import Path try: ( index, param_val, param_id, fsimdir, k_s, Pbins_bnd, selection_params, norm_csts, P_ss_obj_path, obs_density, lin_bias, noise, survey_mask_path, G_sim_path, G_ss_path, Np0, Npm0, seedphase_init, seednoise_init, size, L, radial_selection, sim_params, wd, batch_idx, dbg, modeldir, local_mask_prefix, TimeStepDistribution, indices_steps_cumul, eff_redshifts, poolname_abc, setup_only, prefix_mocks, ) = args spectrum_name = int(str(seedphase_init + index) + str(seednoise_init + index)) pooldir = ( fsimdir + "/pool/d" if not poolname_abc else fsimdir + "/pool/" + poolname_abc + "/d" ) simdir_d = pooldir + str(spectrum_name) + "/" Path(simdir_d).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if prefix_mocks is None: fname_mocks = ( simdir_d + "mocks_d" + str(spectrum_name) + "_p" + str(batch_idx + index) + ".h5" ) else: fname_mocks = ( simdir_d + prefix_mocks + "_mocks_d" + str(spectrum_name) + "_p" + str(batch_idx + index) + ".h5" ) if os.path.exists(fname_mocks): from h5py import File logger.debug("Mock file %s found, loading existing data...", fname_mocks) with File(fname_mocks, "r") as f: Phi = f["Phi"][:] else: logger.debug("No existing mock file at %s, generating new data...", fname_mocks) from numpy.random import normal from numpy import shape, max from selfisys.global_parameters import BASELINE_SEEDNORM, omegas_gt from import get_k_max from selfisys.hiddenbox import HiddenBox from import get_summary P = len(Pbins_bnd) - 1 try: BB_selfi = HiddenBox( k_s=k_s, P_ss_path=P_ss_obj_path, Pbins_bnd=Pbins_bnd, theta2P=None, P=P * shape(selection_params)[1], # P * Npop size=size, L=L, G_sim_path=G_sim_path, G_ss_path=G_ss_path, Np0=Np0, Npm0=Npm0, fsimdir=wd[:-1], modeldir=modeldir, noise_std=noise, radial_selection=radial_selection, selection_params=selection_params, observed_density=obs_density, linear_bias=lin_bias, norm_csts=norm_csts, survey_mask_path=survey_mask_path, local_mask_prefix=local_mask_prefix, sim_params=sim_params, TimeStepDistribution=TimeStepDistribution, TimeSteps=indices_steps_cumul, eff_redshifts=eff_redshifts, seedphase=seedphase_init, seednoise=seednoise_init, fixnoise=False, seednorm=BASELINE_SEEDNORM, reset=False, save_frequency=5, verbosity=2, ) k_max = get_k_max(L, size) except Exception as e: logger.critical("Error instantiating HiddenBox: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("Failed to set up HiddenBox.") from e # Evaluate the param -> 'theta' using some get_summary logic try: theta = get_summary(param_val, param_id, omegas_gt, k_s, kmax=k_max) except Exception: max_tries = 10 perturb_std = 1e-8 param_val_init = param_val logger.warning( "get_summary failed for param_val=%s. Trying small perturbations...", param_val ) for i in range(max_tries): param_val = normal(param_val_init, perturb_std) logger.diagnostic("Attempt #%d: param_val=%s", i + 1, param_val) try: theta = get_summary(param_val, param_id, omegas_gt, k_s, kmax=k_max) logger.diagnostic( "Success with param_val=%s on attempt #%d", param_val, i + 1 ) break except Exception: if i == max_tries - 1: logger.critical( "All attempts to get_summary failed for param_val=%s", param_val_init, ) raise RuntimeError("get_summary repeatedly failed.") continue from io import BytesIO from selfisys.utils.low_level import stderr_redirector, stdout_redirector cosmo_vect = omegas_gt cosmo_vect[param_id] = param_val logger.debug("Evaluating model with HPC redirection, setup_only=%s", setup_only) f = BytesIO() g = BytesIO() try: with stderr_redirector(f): with stdout_redirector(g): if setup_only: BB_selfi.switch_setup() else: BB_selfi.switch_recompute_pool(prefix_mocks=prefix_mocks) Phi = BB_selfi.evaluate( theta, spectrum_name, seedphase_init + index, seednoise_init + index, i=batch_idx + index, thetaIsP=True, remove_sbmy=True, force_powerspectrum=dbg, force_parfiles=dbg, check_output=dbg, abc=poolname_abc, cosmo_vect=cosmo_vect, ) if setup_only: BB_selfi.switch_setup() else: BB_selfi.switch_recompute_pool(prefix_mocks=prefix_mocks) except Exception as e: logger.critical("Error while evaluating model: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("Simbelmyne_worker model evaluation failed.") from e finally: g.close() f.close() logger.debug("Returning param_val=%s with resulting Phi of shape %s", param_val, Phi.shape) return param_val, Phi except OSError as e: logger.error("File I/O error in Simbelmyne_worker: %s", str(e)) raise except Exception as e: logger.critical("Unexpected error in Simbelmyne_worker: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("Simbelmyne_worker HPC run failed.") from e finally: gc.collect()
[docs] def worker_gradient_Symbelmyne( coeff: float, delta_x: float, omega, param_index: int, k_s, delta: float, kmax: float, ): """ Worker function for evaluating the gradient of the power spectrum using finite differences. Parameters ---------- coeff : float Coefficient for the finite difference. delta_x : float Step size in the parameter space. omega : ndarray Base cosmological parameter vector. param_index : int Index of the parameter being varied. k_s : ndarray Array of wavenumbers. delta : float Denominator for finite differences (scaled). kmax : float Maximum wavenumber for power spectrum. Returns ------- ndarray The gradient of the power spectrum wrt the specified parameter. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the gradient evaluation fails. """ import numpy as np from pysbmy.power import get_Pk from import cosmo_vector_to_Simbelmyne_dict omega_new = omega.copy() try: omega_new[param_index] += delta_x ps = get_Pk(k_s, cosmo_vector_to_Simbelmyne_dict(omega_new, kmax=kmax)) contrib_to_grad = (coeff * ps) / delta return np.array(contrib_to_grad) except Exception as e: logger.critical("Error in worker_gradient_Symbelmyne: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("worker_gradient_Symbelmyne failed.") from e finally: gc.collect()
[docs] def evaluate_gradient_of_Symbelmyne( omega, param_index: int, k_s, coeffs: List[float] = [2 / 3.0, -1 / 12.0], deltas_x: List[float] = [0.01, 0.02], delta: float = 1e-2, kmax: float = 1.4, ): """ Estimate the gradient of CLASS with respect to the cosmological parameters using central finite differences of arbitrary order. Parameters ---------- omega : ndarray Base cosmological parameter vector. param_index : int Index of the parameter to differentiate against. k_s : ndarray Wavenumbers for the power spectrum. coeffs : list of float, optional Coefficients for the finite-difference scheme, typically [2/3, -1/12] etc. Default is [2/3.0, -1/12.0]. deltas_x : list of float, optional Step sizes. The corresponding negative steps are generated automatically. Default is [0.01, 0.02]. delta : float, optional Scale for the finite difference in the denominator. Default is 1e-2. kmax : float, optional Maximum wavenumber for the power spectrum. Default is 1.4. Returns ------- ndarray The gradient of the power spectrum wrt the specified parameter. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the gradient evaluation fails. """ import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Pool try: grad = np.zeros(len(k_s)) full_coeffs = np.concatenate((-np.array(coeffs)[::-1], coeffs)) deltas_x_full = np.concatenate((-np.array(deltas_x)[::-1], deltas_x)) tasks = [ (c, dx, omega, param_index, k_s, delta, kmax) for c, dx in zip(full_coeffs, deltas_x_full) ] logger.diagnostic("Starting parallel HPC for gradient, tasks=%d", len(tasks)) with Pool() as mp_pool: results = mp_pool.starmap(worker_gradient_Symbelmyne, tasks) for contrib in results: grad += contrib logger.diagnostic("Gradient evaluation completed. Shape=%s", grad.shape) return grad except Exception as e: logger.critical("Unexpected error in evaluate_gradient_of_Symbelmyne: %s", str(e)) raise RuntimeError("evaluate_gradient_of_Symbelmyne failed.") from e finally: gc.collect()