#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2024 Tristan Hoellinger
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3).
# See the LICENSE file in the root directory for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
__author__ = "Tristan Hoellinger"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__date__ = "2024"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
Plotting utilities and custom colormaps for the SelfiSys package.
This module provides custom Matplotlib settings, formatter classes, and
colormaps used for visualising results in the SelfiSys project.
# Global font sizes
COLOUR_LIST = ["C4", "C5", "C6", "C7"]
def reset_plotting():
import matplotlib as mpl
def setup_plotting():
Configure Matplotlib plotting settings for consistent appearance.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import importlib.resources
with importlib.resources.open_text("selfisys", "preamble.tex") as f:
preamble = f.read()
# Dictionary with rcParams settings
rcparams = {
"font.family": "serif",
"font.size": GLOBAL_FS, # Base font size
"axes.titlesize": GLOBAL_FS_XLARGE,
"axes.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_LARGE,
"axes.linewidth": 1.0,
"xtick.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL,
"ytick.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL,
"xtick.major.width": 1.2,
"ytick.major.width": 1.2,
"xtick.minor.width": 1.0,
"ytick.minor.width": 1.0,
"xtick.direction": "in",
"ytick.direction": "in",
"xtick.major.pad": 5,
"xtick.minor.pad": 5,
"ytick.major.pad": 5,
"ytick.minor.pad": 5,
"legend.fontsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL,
"legend.title_fontsize": GLOBAL_FS_LARGE,
"figure.titlesize": GLOBAL_FS_XLARGE,
"figure.dpi": 300,
"grid.color": "gray",
"grid.linestyle": "dotted",
"grid.linewidth": 0.6,
"lines.linewidth": 2,
"lines.markersize": 8,
"text.usetex": True,
"text.latex.preamble": preamble,
# Update rcParams
def dynamic_text_scaling(fig_height):
Dynamically scale text sizes based on the vertical height of the
fig_height : float
Height of the figure in inches.
Dictionary of scaled font sizes for consistent appearance.
scaling_factor = fig_height / 6.0 # Reference height is 6 inches
return {
"font.size": GLOBAL_FS * scaling_factor,
"axes.titlesize": GLOBAL_FS_XLARGE * scaling_factor,
"axes.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_LARGE * scaling_factor,
"xtick.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL * scaling_factor,
"ytick.labelsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL * scaling_factor,
"legend.fontsize": GLOBAL_FS_SMALL * scaling_factor,
"legend.title_fontsize": GLOBAL_FS_LARGE * scaling_factor,
"figure.titlesize": GLOBAL_FS_XLARGE * scaling_factor,
def get_contours(Z, nBins, confLevels=(0.3173, 0.0455, 0.0027)):
Compute contour levels for given confidence levels.
Z : ndarray
2D histogram or density estimate.
nBins : int
Number of bins along one axis.
confLevels : tuple of float
Confidence levels for which to compute contour levels.
chainLevels : ndarray
Contour levels corresponding to the provided confidence levels.
import numpy as np
Z = Z / Z.sum()
nContourLevels = len(confLevels)
chainLevels = np.ones(nContourLevels + 1)
histOrdered = np.sort(Z.flat)
histCumulative = np.cumsum(histOrdered)
nBinsFlat = np.linspace(0.0, nBins**2, nBins**2)
for l in range(nContourLevels):
temp = np.interp(confLevels[l], histCumulative, nBinsFlat)
chainLevels[nContourLevels - 1 - l] = np.interp(temp, nBinsFlat, histOrdered)
return chainLevels
def create_colormap(name):
Create a custom colormap based on the specified name.
name : str
The name of the colormap to create.
The requested custom colormap.
If the specified colormap name is not recognised.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm, colors, colormaps
if name == "GalaxyMap":
# Colormap for slices through galaxy density fields
Ndots = 2**13
stretch_top = 0.5
truncate_bottom = 0.0
stretch_bottom = 1.0
top = cm.get_cmap("RdPu", Ndots)
top = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["white", top(0.5), top(1.0)])
bottom = cm.get_cmap("Greens_r", Ndots)
bottom = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", [bottom(0), bottom(0.5), "white"])
interp_top = np.linspace(0, 1, Ndots) ** stretch_top
interp_bottom = np.linspace(truncate_bottom, 1, Ndots) ** stretch_bottom
cols_galaxy = np.vstack((bottom(interp_bottom), top(interp_top)))
return colors.ListedColormap(cols_galaxy, name="GalaxyMap")
elif name == "GradientMap":
# Colormap for gradient matrices
Ndots = 2**13
stretch_bottom = 6.0
stretch_top = 1 / 2.5
truncate_bottom = 0.35
bottom = cm.get_cmap("BuGn_r", Ndots)
top = cm.get_cmap("RdPu", Ndots)
interp_top = np.linspace(0, 1, Ndots) ** stretch_top
interp_bottom = np.linspace(truncate_bottom, 1, Ndots) ** stretch_bottom
newcolors = np.vstack((bottom(interp_bottom), top(interp_top)))
return colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name="GradientMap")
elif name == "CovarianceMap":
# Colormap for the diagonal blocks of covariance matrices
Ndots = 2**15
stretch_top_1 = 0.3
stretch_top_2 = 1.0
stretch_bottom = 0.2
middle = 0.4 # Middle of the positive scale, between 0 and 1
cmap_name = "BrBG"
top = colormaps[cmap_name]
bottom = colormaps[cmap_name]
interp_top = np.concatenate(
middle * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_top_1 + 0.5,
(1 - middle) * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_top_2 + 0.5 + middle,
interp_bottom = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, Ndots) ** stretch_bottom - 0.5
newcolors = np.vstack((bottom(interp_bottom), top(interp_top)))
return colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name="CovarianceMap")
elif name == "FullCovarianceMap":
# Colormap for full covariance matrices
Ndots = 2**15
stretch_top_1 = 0.3
stretch_top_2 = 1.0
middle_top = 0.4 # Middle of the positive scale, between 0 and 1
stretch_bottom_1 = 1.0
stretch_bottom_2 = 5.0
middle_bottom = 0.7 # Middle of the negative scale, between 0 and 1
colname = "PRGn_r" # Options: "PRGn", "PRGn_r", "BrBG", "PuOr"
top = colormaps[colname]
bottom = colormaps[colname]
interp_top = np.concatenate(
middle_top * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_top_1 + 0.5,
(1 - middle_top) * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_top_2
+ 0.5
+ middle_top,
interp_bottom = np.concatenate(
middle_bottom * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_bottom_1 - 0.5,
(1 - middle_bottom) * np.linspace(0.0, 1, Ndots // 2) ** stretch_bottom_2
- 0.5
+ middle_bottom,
newcolors = np.vstack((bottom(interp_bottom), top(interp_top)))
return colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name="FullCovarianceMap")
elif name == "Blues_Reds":
# Additional colormap combining blues and reds
top = cm.get_cmap("Reds_r", 128)
bottom = cm.get_cmap("Blues", 128)
newcolors = np.vstack((top(np.linspace(0.7, 1, 128)), bottom(np.linspace(0, 1, 128))))
return colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name="Blues_Reds")
elif name == "Purples_Oranges":
# Additional colormap combining purples and oranges
top = cm.get_cmap("Oranges_r", 128)
bottom = cm.get_cmap("Purples", 128)
newcolors = np.vstack((top(np.linspace(0.7, 1, 128)), bottom(np.linspace(0, 1, 128))))
return colors.ListedColormap(newcolors, name="Purples_Oranges")
raise ValueError(f"Colormap '{name}' is not defined.")
def create_all_colormaps():
Create all custom colormaps.
colormaps : dict
Dictionary containing all custom colormaps.
colormaps_dict = {}
colormap_names = [
for name in colormap_names:
colormaps_dict[name] = create_colormap(name)
return colormaps_dict